How To Ride Out Of The Saddle Peloton Bike?

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Are you looking for how to ride out of saddle? This means you are all set to increase your strength and endurance for your future peloton rides. If yes, then this is the ultimate guide for you. In this guide, we’ll discuss how do you ride out of a saddle, its benefits, and the best classes and positions.

Actually, riding the peloton out of the saddle or standing is a great way to add more resistance to your workout, burn more calories, deliver a better workout session, and have many more health benefits. However, to ride out of the saddle, you need to be aware of the position and movement of the body. But, you don’t need to worry, as this guide is here to help you out.

So, keep on reading to learn more about how to ride out of the saddle peloton.

How Do You Get Out Of The Saddle On Peloton?

It takes a while to start riding suddenly standing up from seated cycling, but if you follow the right steps, you won’t find it that difficult and will gradually get used to it and can increase your stamina.

So, to get out of the peloton saddle, you need to make sure you have adequate resistance, this way, you will be able to stand up straight. With added resistance, the paddles move slowly as a result you will get a stable platform, which allows you to easily transfer weight and balance from one foot to the other.

Without enough resistance, the paddles will stroke too fast, so you may not be able to get enough balance. Also, you will lose stability, which will lead your body to move forward from the paddle and to stand up straight you have to rely on the handlebars.

Therefore, it is essential to learn how to get out of Peloton’s saddle. So here are the step-by-step processes for you to follow.

  • As we have said before, you need to add resistance to the bike so that you can feel the effort while pedaling.
  • After that, hold the peloton bike’s handlebars tightly with your both hands.
  • Now stand up slowly by engaging your core and lean to that side where the pedal is upstroke on your bike.
  • Once the paddle moves forward and reaches the downstroke you should transfer the bodyweight to the opposite leg.
  • Now you need to adjust the resistance to ensure having enough stability and time to become capable of moving easily from one side to the other.
  • You can increase your cadence once you become adjusted and start to feel comfortable.

How To Ride Out Of The Saddle Peloton

Now that you know how do you stand up on peloton, let’s learn how to ride out of the saddle peloton. To get this, you need to know the standing positions and the correct form. So, here they are-

Peloton Out Of Saddle Positions

Every class of peloton bikes is designed either in the seated or standing position. And in general, there are three different positions, the first one is seated, and the other two are standing positions.

The main difference between these two positions is the posture and weight distribution. Where, with the first standing position, you need to keep your weight in line with the pedals. Conversely, with the second standing position, you need to keep the hips over the pedal line.

So, here are the details about the two standing positions.

The 1st Standing Position:

This position is suitable for lower-speed jogs and non-high-speed sprints and helps to maintain high cadence. So follow the following steps to ride the peloton in this standing position.

  • You should start the first standing position by increasing the resistance.
increasing the resistance
  • To do so, you just need to simply turn the resistance knob clockwise, until you feel some effort while pedaling.
  • When you feel that the resistance is getting stronger enough which leads you to put some extra effort and push harder to pedal, just then, you need to start raising yourself slowly out of the seat.
  • While lifting your body from the saddle, make sure to keep your head up, chest open, shoulders back and down, and hands are gently holding the bend of the handlebars.
make sure to keep your head up
  • Then, when you are standing over the pedals and riding, make sure your hips are just above the pedals. Remember, in this position, you should not stand up straight or lean forward too much.
  • Additionally, ensure that your core muscles are supporting your body naturally without any significant pressure on your hands.

Note: Before you move from a sitting position to this standing position, make sure you have a fair amount of resistance on your wheels to ensure stability.

For visual instruction follow the below video.

The 2nd Standing Position:

So, the next standing position helps you add more resistance to your workout and is used for steep climbs to accelerate and increase power so that you can pass someone in front of you or if you want to take a break from the seated position. So, here’s how to do this-

increasing your resistance
  • So, let’s start by increasing your resistance just like before until you feel an effort while pedaling.
  • Just like the first standing position, in this second standing position, you will also be out of the seat but this time your hips should be on top of the pedals and your hands should be placed in between the bend and end of the handlebars.
  • While you are standing on the bike keep your chest open, head straight, a slight bend in your knees, and make sure your shoulders don’t go down.

Note: This position will provide you with stronger core support than the first standing position. So if you do not feel comfortable in this position, slow down or return to your seat.

Here is the video instruction on the second standing position for you.

Peloton Out Of Saddle Form

For a standing ride or riding out of the Peloton saddle, you need to mobilize your upper body, stabilize the core, and glute activation which will help you maintain the correct posture.

But those who have weak abdominal and those glute muscles bounce back and forth and face problems or fail to maintain the proper form.

In that case, you can do strength training like 10-minute or 20-minute arm, upper body, or core workouts when you are not on the bike. Also, you must ensure that you have got the mechanics right to protect your joints and back.

Additionally, Christine who is a Peloton instructor says that to get the correct form while riding out of the saddle, “you need to bring your body above the cranks (the arms attached to the paddles) to help use gravity on your behalf.”

Best Peloton Out of Saddle Classes

So, here are some best classes that include peloton out of saddle position. So, as a beginner, you can try the following ones-

  • Mastering the Basics of Cycling (6-Week Program)
  • Climb Ride (combine 3 to 5 minutes of standing and seated riding)
  • HIIT and Hills Ride (modify intensity using resistance and cadence).

What Are The Peloton Out Of Saddle Benefits?

In general, people get out of the saddle for the climbing ride. Still, this riding style has several benefits which are given below-

  • Great for calorie demand, higher cardiorespiratory demand, and increased muscle activity.
  • You can achieve greater power and speed.
  • Increases your heart rate and metabolic rate, so you can burn more calories.
  • Allows you to add higher resistance and this way you can use more muscles and burn more energy.
  • Offers greater freedom of movement for your arms and legs.
  • Improves sprint and interval riding.
  • You can take a break from sitting and riding.

Is It Hard To Ride Out Of The Saddle?

When you ride out of the saddle, your body shifts its center of gravity to your legs, which is why you need more strength and balance to pedal. Therefore, this riding position may seem difficult to many, especially to beginners. But if you do it on a regular basis, your muscles will get stronger and over time it will become easier for you.

Another thing is that many people can’t get out of the saddle just because they don’t adjust their resistance enough. Remember that when you get up from the saddle, your body must rely on pedal resistance.

In that case, if your resistance is too low then your body will not be able to stand up straight and as a result, the entire weight will move towards the handlebars. So if you want to master the Peloton out of the saddle riding, you must add more resistance. This will give you stability and allow you to further redistribute the weight towards the paddle.



So, this is all for how to ride out of the saddle peloton. As you can see, initially, you won’t be so comfortable, but you don’t need to step back. Just follow this simple guide, and keep practicing regularly. This way, you will definitely get better at riding out of the peloton saddle.

We hope you found this guide useful. Don’t forget to share your thoughts about it with us. We would love to hear from you.

Hi! My name is Dario Lemut and I am the Founder of Cycling fanatic with over two decades of experience on all types of terrain. From long-distance races to rugged mountains. Sharing my experiences and knowledge on my popular cycling website, I'm helping fellow riders to discover new routes and adventures.

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