How To Increase Output On Peloton Bike? (With Chart)

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Fitness is all about making new routines, pushing yourself harder with more challenges, and forming habits in accordance to get better output than before. This will also help you to make the most out of your exercise bike. 

So, if you are a Peloton user or new to Peloton and looking for how to increase peloton output, this guide is for you. In this post, we will go over how to increase output on peloton and more! 

Simply put, to increase your peloton output, you need to increase your resistance or cadence or both, including some other facts which we will discuss in this guide. 

So keep on reading this guide to figure out all the exciting facts about this topic. 

What Is Peloton Output?

What Is Peloton Output?
What Is Peloton Output?

Before we move to how to increase your output on peloton let’s see what does output mean on peloton? It will help you understand this topic better, especially for beginners. 

So, let’s start with what is output on peloton? It is actually the measurement of the average or total work done during your workout which is displayed in the middle of the peloton bike screen. This output is determined by the amount of energy transferred or converted at each time of your workout

In detail, the total output is measured in kilojoules (kJ), which means exactly how much work you have done in the entire workout session. This is calculated by dividing the number of seconds of your total ride by 1,000. For example, if you average 100 watts in a 3,000-second (50-minute) ride, your total output will be 300 KJ.

This number is actually used to compete on the leaderboard, this means the higher your output will be the higher you will rank on the leaderboard. Through this output score, you can track your results. 

What Is A Good Average Output On Peloton?

What Is A Good Average Output On Peloton?
What Is A Good Average Output On Peloton?

As per studies, in 1 hour, a beginner rider can average about 75-100 watts. Conversely, in this same duration, a fit cyclist can average 1000 watts and a pro rider can reach up to 400 watts. So, exactly what is a good output on peloton?

Well, in general, a good peloton output averages 150-250 watts. Still, you need to remember that, you need to adjust this number by your weight. So, does your weight affect peloton output? 

Well, peloton output and body weight go hand in hand. For example, using the power-to-weight formula, for males this will be 3.0 and 2.0 for females. Additionally, depending on class duration, class type, and some other factors the output result will vary.

Peloton Calibration Output Chart

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To measure the peloton workout progress, it’s really crucial for you to keep your eyes on the peloton output table. So, let’s see how the output differs depending on different resistance and cadence and also by age difference. 

Peloton Output Table Chart

ResistanceCadence 80Cadence 100
30Expected Output 58-62Expected Output 88-92
35Expected Output 83-85Expected Output 120-125
40Expected Output 111-115Expected Output 160-165
45Expected Output 143-146Expected Output 215-220
50Expected Output 186-190Expected Output 260-265

Peloton Output Chart by Age

It’s a fact that a 30 years old rider can provide better output than a 70 years old rider. That’s why with the age difference and physical strength the power output also differs.

Age GroupThe output % (Approx.)

How To Increase Output On Peloton?

Beginners mostly wonder how do I increase my output on peloton? But the thing is, knowing how to improve output on peloton is really straightforward. To make the most out of your Peloton bike and get how to improve peloton output all you need is to follow some simple steps, which we will discuss in this section.

So, here’s how to increase output on peloton.

1. Ensure Appropriate Setting and Well-Calibrated

If you want to improve your average and total output, you must keep the peloton bike well-calibrated. For example, keeping the handlebars, resistance, seat height, seat depth, and all other settings are adjusted perfectly. This will help you to get the best balance and ride without any issues. 

For a better understanding, you can see the following video.

2. Use A Good Pair Of Cycling Shoes

To ensure comfort and a better riding experience, you must need a good pair of cycling shoes. You can also consider using the peloton shoes that come with the cleats. Also, make sure to clip in the peloton shoes in the right way to get an accurate balance and secure ride. 

To learn more, you can read how to clip in on peloton shoes.

3. Have Nutritious Food

It’s true that, if you want to stay fit and work harder then, you need to eat nutritious food. Otherwise, only exercising won’t help you, in fact, you can become weak instead of getting strong. 

Therefore, you can start your day with oatmeal, bananas, and almonds. Make sure to drink a lot of water the entire day and also during riding the peloton to stay hydrated. 

4. Focus On Strength Training

Till now, we have discussed the basic things that you need to follow. Now, let’s start with the exercise part. So, you can start with strength training to increase your strength physically. It will make it easier for your body to generate higher watts. 

In fact, a study by the National Library Of Medicine reported that “Performing morning strength training is associated with improved physical performance in the afternoon.”

5. Add More Intensity And Power Zone Training

If you add high-intensity interval training, it will improve your threshold powers, and train your body for endurance, and overall workout performance. As a result, you can hold higher output on peloton rides and the output score will improve.

6. Longer Rides

Longer rides are great for peloton output as these rides require more effort to maintain high speed and resistance. This results in building aerobic capacity, developing muscular endurance, and improving muscle perfusion as well as recovery.

7. Add More FTP Tests

To improve your output, it is essential to track your progress. And to do this, you should have an FTP (Functional Threshold Power) check at least once a month. With this, you can determine the output that you can sustain for around one hour. As an example, if you take a 30 minutes FTP test, you can see the 30 minutes maximum average power record. 

So, this is all for how to get higher output on peloton. Finally, don’t forget to spin with the music that you love most, it’s another great way to push yourself to ride harder.

Does Peloton Output Depend On Weight?

So, does weight affect output on peloton? 

Actually, it is not about the weight only. It’s the amount of energy that you can put in during the training session and the resistance and cadence. In that case, people who have higher body weight can produce higher output within a short time.

This means that, while a 70lbs person has the record of maximum power output, still the average power output may be much lower due to his / her fitness. 

Weight in KG100w130w160w190w220w250w280w310w
50 kg22.
60 kg1.
70 kg1.
80 kg1.251.622.32.753.13.53.8
90 kg1.
100 kg11.
110 kg0.
120 kg0.811.31.61.822.32.5

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Why Is My Output So Low On Peloton?

Several factors can impact your output, for example, rest, training intensity, and your level of fitness. Therefore, initially, you may wonder why is my peloton output so low while comparing it with others. 

In addition to that, if you see that your peloton output is getting worse, this can happen due to overtraining, lack of good nutrition, poor sleep habits,  poor adherence, or inefficient recovery during the workout session. But, working on all these issues, with regular cycling, and working hard you can improve your output.

What Affects Output On Peloton?

There are some factors like weight, the total class duration, type of workout, age, power zone, and gender that affects your output on the peloton.

What Is A Good Peloton Output For 20 Minutes?

Based on the type of class you are taking, for example, less intense recovery rides, low-impact rides, or HIIT and Power Zone Max rides, 20 minutes’ peloton average output will be between 200 and 250 watts and total output is 200 to 330 KJ.

What Is A Good Peloton Output For 30 Minutes

So, what is a good peloton output 30 minute? Based on several factors like intensity, riding types, etc. the average output is between 180 and 250 watts and the total output is 300 to 480 kJ.

What Is A Good Peloton Output For 45 Minutes
45 Minutes of a peloton riding session’s average output is between 150 and 220 watts and the total output is between 400 and 650 kJ.


That’s the wrap of how to increase output on peloton. We hope now you get what you are looking for. Simply follow this guide and start riding in accordance with all the steps. 

However, improving your power-to-weight ratio should be your ultimate goal. This allows you to lose extra weight and add more energy to your rides and ultimately help you to work hard and maintain a good peloton output for a long time.

Hi! My name is Dario Lemut and I am the Founder of Cycling fanatic with over two decades of experience on all types of terrain. From long-distance races to rugged mountains. Sharing my experiences and knowledge on my popular cycling website, I'm helping fellow riders to discover new routes and adventures.

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