What Muscles Does Peloton Work?

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Peloton has been widely popularized as a way to get a good workout at home and stay fit.

One of the biggest benefits of Peloton is that you can participate in live or on-demand classes led by professional instructors. These classes range from 5 minutes to 90 minutes, while some are 30 to 45 minutes, and you can expect to burn anywhere from 400 to 1000 calories.

These classes are a great way to get you in shape. But, are peloton workouts effective, and exactly what muscles does the peloton work?

The peloton works almost all major parts of your body, for example, your abs, obliques, hamstring, glutes, calves, quads, and many more. This article will focus specifically on what muscles does peloton work. So, let’s get started. 

What Muscles Does Peloton Work

Peloton comes in a flywheel that offers resistance while pedaling, which means you must work harder when you pedal. This way, your muscles works more with the peloton. 

For your convenience, here is a breakdown of what muscles does peloton work including which classes will work on which muscles.

Muscles InvolvedPeloton Classes Involved
CorePower Zone Endurance,  cardio, Climb rides, strength, Bootcamps (bike & tread)
Upper Body MusclesWeight classes, Full body yoga
GluteusHIIT and Hills, Intervals Training, Lower body strength
QuadricepsClimb rides, Lower body strength, Power Zone Endurance rides, Power walk,
HamstringsIntervals Training, Lower body strength, HIIT and Hills, Bootcamp
Hip FlexorsFull body yoga, Climb rides, lower body strength
CalvesHIIT and Hills, Intervals Training, Lower body strength
ChestCardio, full-body strength, upper-body strength
ForearmsUpper-body, Intervals and arms, strength bike and tread Bootcamps
Biceps & TricepsHIIT and Hills, Climb rides, Upper-body strength

Now let’s see the details of what muscles do peloton work.

1. Core

Core muscles are the muscles that include your lower back, stomach, transverse abdominal, and obliques. Peloton targets these core muscles with its exercises as cycling has a significant effect on the core region.

2. Arms and Shoulders

Peloton resistance bands to help you build muscle in your arms and shoulders. Resistance bands are a great way to target different muscles in your body and increase your workout intensity.

3. Upper Body Muscles

While cycling you need to hold onto the peloton bike handlebars with your hands which target your biceps, triceps, brachialis, and coracobrachialis. When you hold the handlebars at the right angle and sit with proper posture, your upper body, shoulders, upper back, and arms will tone.

4. Erector Spine Muscles

Erector spinal muscles help you to keep your spine straight. Peloton targets these muscles with its cycling exercises. When you use your legs and arms to move the pedals, which helps to target the erector spinal muscles.

5. Gluteus

Glutes are the muscles that help you to raise your hips. The gluteal muscles are made up of three muscles that make up the human body’s buttocks namely the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. All these muscles are got strengthened by cycling.

6. Quadriceps

These are the front muscles of your thigh which are used in extending the leg to the knee for spinning. So, when you spin the peloton the movement of your leg and knee the overall size of the quadriceps becomes bulge. 

7. Hamstrings

The hamstring consists of three muscles between the hip and knee region of your leg. These muscles work to extend your knees and flex the hips.

However, the hamstrings work when you push down or pull up the pedals while pedaling backward also when you go uphill, your hamstrings work harder to move the pedals.

8. Calves

When you push the pedals while cycling you are creating resistance against the flywheel using your calf muscles. This way the more resistance you create, the harder it will be for you to pedal, and thus the more of a workout you can get.

9. Chest

Chest muscles help to breathe deeply, and while climbing a challenging hill powerful and deep breathing is a must. And when you take deep breaths using your chest muscles, this will help you get more oxygen to your muscles and power through the hill.

10. Biceps & Triceps

Peloton includes weight training, which is great to build biceps, additionally, peloton includes exercises targeting the triceps. The muscle group of triceps often worked in conjunction with the biceps.

Apart from all these muscle groups peloton also, works with the following body muscles-

  • Hip Flexors
  • Abdominal Obliques
  • Serratus Anterior
  • Abdominal
  • Forearms

Can You Build Muscle On A Peloton Bike?

Can You Build Muscle On A Peloton Bike?

Now that you know what body parts does the peloton bike work, let’s see can you build muscle with peloton?

Well, yes, the peloton can help you to build your body muscles.

Muscles are built when you put your body through the same repetitive motions over and over. Peloton bike workouts are great for helping you build muscle because it offers a range of upper-body, strength, and body weight workouts.

Additionally, the peloton also works your legs, which is important for overall fitness. So, here are some peloton bike classes for muscle gain-

  • Bike Bootcamp,
  • Climb rides,
  • Power zone rides,
  • Intervals and arm rides, and
  • HIIT and Hills ride.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’S)

Does Peloton Get You In Shape?

Yes, definitely! Peloton is well known for getting your entire body in shape including toning your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Can you get a six-pack by riding a Peloton?

No. the reason is Peloton doesn’t help you build your abs directly, but you can expect to strengthen your core and back muscle.

How Does Peloton Change Your Body?

When you pedal on a peloton on a regular basis, it helps tone and strengthens your core, back muscles, quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Does The Peloton Work Your Abs?

Well, the peloton doesn’t directly build abdominal muscles, but it helps keep your abs tight.

Summing Up

Peloton is a great way to get a cardio workout and is known for being a challenging indoor cycling experience that works your entire body and muscles. 

The amazing thing is that while you pedal the bike, you are also working all of these other muscles: your legs, butt, chest, back, shoulders, and arms. We hope, with this guide now you get a clear understanding of what muscles does peloton work.

Peloton isn’t just about getting a good workout – it’s about having fun as well!

Hi! My name is Dario Lemut and I am the Founder of Bikepurusits.com. Cycling fanatic with over two decades of experience on all types of terrain. From long-distance races to rugged mountains. Sharing my experiences and knowledge on my popular cycling website, I'm helping fellow riders to discover new routes and adventures.

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