Peloton Workout Schedule To Lose Weight [Beginners to Advanced]

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Looking to lose weight and get fit? Peloton offers incredibly varied workout options designed to help you achieve your fitness goals.

From cardio workouts, strength training, and yoga to cycling classes for all levels, this holistic approach to exercise will have you seeing results in no time. But to make the most out of it, it’s important to consider the appropriateness of the workout schedule for you.

But, is there any peloton workout schedule for weight loss?

Well, yes, there are some best peloton workout schedules for weight loss which we’ll share in this comprehensive guide. So, let’s find out the detailed peloton workout schedule to lose weight from this guide.

Does Peloton Help You Lose Weight?

If you are new to the peloton, a question may come to your mind: can you lose weight from peloton?

Well, the simple answer is, YES, You can! Using the peloton you can burn around 400 to 1000 calories an hour.

Peloton helps people significantly to lose their extra weight as well as stay fit in the long run.  It’s great for keeping people on track as it includes almost every form of exercise like strength, cardio, recovery, and flexibility, which are really effective to lose weight.

Peloton is a unique workout experience that has been shown to help people achieve real, lasting weight loss. By incorporating Peloton into your everyday routine, you can gain the benefits of outdoor exercise while burning calories indoors.

Not only will this provide you with a healthy and refreshing work-out, but it can also help increase your metabolism and reduce stubborn fat deposits around the midsection and butt.

Peloton Workout Schedule To Lose Weight

Peloton Workout Plan and Schedule for Weight Loss [Beginners to Advanced]
peloton workout schedule to lose weight

To get the most out of your peloton workout schedule to lose weight, you should plan it from daily to monthly.

And the best way to grab the entire course and track of the peloton training is the 30-Day Peloton Workout Plan.

So, here’s the sample peloton workout plan that you can choose from.

Peloton Weekly Workout Plan

Lets begin with the peloton weekly workout plan for weight loss. The weekly peloton workout plan is the most popular one for most riders as it is the most practical, easiest, and convenient to revise if you are not satisfied enough with your progress.

So, here’s the peloton weekly workout schedule for you-

Day of the weekPeloton class
Monday20 min Glutes and Legs + 20 min Recovery Ride
Tuesday30 minutes Power Zone Endurance Ride
Wednesday30 min Full Body Bootcamp + 20 min Recovery Ride
Thursday45 minutes Low-Impact Ride
Friday20 min Outdoor Power Walk
Saturday20 min Chest and back
Sunday20 min Restorative Yoga

Peloton Workout Plan For Beginners

Since your Peloton workout plan should be tailored to your body and training level, here are some example schedules for each level that you can employ.

Lets begin with the peloton workout schedule for beginners-

DayWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4 (Recovery)
Monday20-min Low Impact + 15-min Recovery Ride20 min Low Impact + 15-min Recovery Ride20 min Low Impact + 15-min Recovery Ride20-min Recovery Ride
Tuesday30 minutes Power Zone Endurance Ride45 minutes Power Zone Endurance Ride45 minutes Power Zone Endurance RideREST
Wednesday30 min Full Body Bootcamp + 15-min Recovery Ride30 min Full Body Bootcamp + 15-min Recovery Ride45 min Full Body Bootcamp + 15-min Recovery Ride20 min Restorative Yoga
Thursday30 minutes Low-impact ride45 minutes Low-impact ride45 minutes Low-impact ride20 min slow flow yoga
Friday20 min Indoor or Outdoor Walk20 min Indoor or Outdoor Walk20 min Indoor or Outdoor WalkREST
Saturday20 min Chest and Back Strength20 min Chest and Back Strength20 min Chest and Back Strength20 min Meditation
Sunday10 min Relaxing Meditation/ Rest10 min Relaxing Meditation / Rest10 min Relaxing Meditation/ RestREST

Peloton Workout Schedule For Intermediate Riders

Here comes the peloton schedule for weight loss for the intermediate riders.

DayWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4 (Recovery)
Monday20 min Low Impact + 15-min Recovery Ride20 min Low Impact + 15-min Recovery Ride20 min Low Impact + 15-min Recovery Ride20-min Recovery Ride
Tuesday45 minutes Power Zone Endurance Ride45 minutes Power Zone Endurance Ride45 minutes Power Zone Endurance RideREST
Wednesday30 min Full Body Bootcamp + 15-min Recovery Ride45 min Full Body Bootcamp + 15-min Recovery Ride30 min Cardio and Core + 15-min Recovery Ride20 min Restorative Yoga
Thursday30 minutes Low-impact rides30 minutes Low-impact rides45 min Full Body Bootcamp + 15-min Recovery Ride20 min slow flow yoga
Friday20 min Indoor or Outdoor Walk20 min Indoor or Outdoor Walk20 min Indoor or Outdoor WalkREST
Saturday20 min Chest and Back Strength20 min Chest and Back Strength20 min Chest and Back Strength20 min Meditation
Sunday10 min Relaxing Meditation/ Rest10 min Relaxing Meditation/ Rest10 min Relaxing Meditation/ RestREST

Peloton Workout Schedule For Advanced Riders

And finally, it’s time for the advanced riders.

DayWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4 (Recovery)
Monday20 min Low Impact + 15-min Recovery Ride20 min Low Impact + 15-min Recovery Ride20 min Low Impact + 15-min Recovery Ride20-min Recovery Ride
Tuesday45 minutes Power Zone Endurance Ride45 minutes Power Zone Endurance Ride45 minutes Power Zone Endurance RideREST
Wednesday45 min Full Body Bootcamp + 15-min Recovery Ride30 min Full Body Bootcamp + 15-min Recovery Ride30 min Full Body Bootcamp + 15-min Recovery Ride20 min Restorative Yoga
Thursday45 minutes Low-impact rides45 min Full Body Bootcamp + 20 min Recovery Rides45 min Cardio and Core + 15 min Recovery Rides20 min slow flow yoga
Friday30 min Indoor or Outdoor Walk30 min Indoor or Outdoor Walk30 min Indoor or Outdoor WalkREST
Saturday20 min Chest and Back Strength20 min Chest and Back Strength20 min Chest and Back Strength20 min Meditation
Sunday10 min Relaxing Meditation/ Rest10 min Relaxing Meditation/ Rest10 min Relaxing Meditation/ RestREST

How To Build A Peloton Workout Plan?

Planning or scheduling your peloton workouts makes it easier for you to maintain a routine. Fortunately, with the peloton, you can schedule your peloton workout using your iOS, Android, the touchscreen of the bike or tread, or the web.

So, let’s see how it works.


  • So, begin with going into the Peloton App.
  • Choose a class you prefer to add to your schedule.
iOS Schedule
  • Click the “Schedule” icon located under the class name.
Setting The Time
Note: Photos from onepeloton
  • Now, set your desired date and time, and finally, tap on the “Add to Schedule” button.


  • Go to your peloton app and choose a class that you want to add to your schedule.
android schedule
Note: Photos from onepeloton
  • Click the “Schedule” icon.
  • Now, set the date and time and select the “Add to Schedule” button.

Bike & Tread

  • Just like the above methods, here with the touch screen, you will also need to choose a class to begin the process of scheduling your class.
bike or tread schedule
Note: Photos from onepeloton
  • Select the “Schedule” icon.
  • Finally, choose the “Add to Schedule” button after specifying the time and date.


  • Go to the Peloton website, and choose the class you’d like to add to your schedule.
web schedule
Note: Photos from onepeloton
  • Click the “Schedule” icon.
  • Set the date and time and select “Add to Schedule”.

Viewing Your Schedule

Viewing schedule
  • While exercising, press the “Schedule” button from your Peloton app or device.
  • And then click on “Your Schedule”, and it’s done.

Related Resources:

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ’s]

Does Peloton Have Weight Loss Programs?

Peloton offers plenty of classes including cycling, endurance, strength, cardio, and HIIT training, and you will find several programs for these classes on the peloton website to lose weight.

How Many Times A Week Should I Ride My Peloton To Lose Weight?

It will be better if you can ride the peloton each day or at least 4 times per week. But, remember, not to skip your exercise for more than a day.

Do Peloton Workouts Help You Lose Weight?

Yes, definitely. If you do regular workouts on the peloton and maintain a healthy lifestyle, and diet you will lose weight.

Will Peloton Help Me Lose Belly Fat?

Yes, for sure. Regular cycling on a peloton bike or running on peloton tread can help you to lose your belly fat. Apart from these, the peloton also offers some strength classes which also lead to having a flat belly.

Does Peloton Have A Workout Calendar?

Well, you can organize your peloton calendar on your own. If you need some help, then, you will find a proper calendar schedule for peloton workouts to lose weight in this guide.

Are Peloton Workouts Effective?

Yes, definitely. All the peloton workouts are great to keep you fit, healthy, strong, and have the perfect body you are looking for.


If you’re looking to lose weight, Peloton is a great option. Peloton’s workout schedule can accommodate people of all levels of fitness.

It offers a variety of different class types that are designed to give you a wide range of exercises and movements with all sorts of fitness goals, including burning calories, boosting your endurance, and toning your muscles.

So, that’s all for the peloton workout schedule to lose weight. We hope, from now, you can start working out to get the perfect fitness following these peloton workout plans for weight loss.

So, what schedule works best for you? Let us know in the comments below.

Hi! My name is Dario Lemut and I am the Founder of Cycling fanatic with over two decades of experience on all types of terrain. From long-distance races to rugged mountains. Sharing my experiences and knowledge on my popular cycling website, I'm helping fellow riders to discover new routes and adventures.

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